GHBL By-Laws

The Golden Horseshoe Bowling League will also be known as GHBL throughout this document. Unless otherwise specified by this GHBL Constitution, all rules and regulations of this bowling league shall conform to the current playing rules as published by the Canadian Tenpin Federation (CTF)

Executive Committee

The Executive shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Statistician (and an IGBO Representative – not a voting member), Webmaster/social Media Director, and Social Coordinator Director. The Executive Committee shall oversee all major league decisions including mediation of CTF disputes, approval of presidential appointments to the Committee, removal of members, approval of banquet theme/location, approval of prize distribution, interpretation of the GHBL constitution, etc.  The President may make decisions on his/her own or may put things to a vote in which case majority rules. In cases of conflicted opinions, a Executive member can ask for a vote to be put forth to the full league membership where a show of hands at the next league night will decide the matter.


The President is responsible for the general direction taken by, and the decisions made for the league. The President will act as liaison in all matters concerning the league. Specifically:


  • Ensuring the application of league rules in accordance with CTF rules
  • Chairing the Executive meetings
  • Appointing the International Gay Bowling Organization (IGBO) representative
  • Appointing league members to Nominating and Prize Committees and any other ad-hoc committees as necessary
  • Overseeing the operation and performance of the Nominating Committee for the election of the Executive and the Prize Committee
  • Appointing nominees to fill any Committee vacancies
  • Directing/overseeing the financial operations of the league, including monthly approval of bank statements
  • Initiating lane contract negotiations and signing seasonal intent forms
  • Coordinating payment of all sanction fees with the GHBL Treasurer
  • Chairs a minimum of 1 Team Captain meeting per season (fall and winter) to review expectations / concerns
  • Assisting in the direction of functions such as statistics, fundraising and social events
  • Negotiates / develops and posts seasonal league team line-ups

Vice President

The Vice President is responsible to serve all duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence, resignation, or removal.

Responsibilities also include:

  • Assisting in the direction of functions such as statistics, fund raising, and social events
  • Serving as GHBL liaison to the community
  • Overseeing the orientation and induction of new members into the league
  • Assisting in the interpretation of the league rules


The Secretary is responsible for all league documentation and record keeping.


  • Putting a call to the Executive for meeting agenda items and sending out agendas at least 2 business days prior to any meetings
  • Taking minutes at all league meetings
  • Circulating meeting minutes a maximum of a week post meeting dates
  • Maintaining approved minutes
  • Ensuring compliance with all CTF requirements
  • Maintaining registration lists for all league members
  • Assisting in the interpretation of the league rules
  • Serving as primary GHBL contact for all external communications (mail and email)
  • Maintaining listing of fall and winter seasonal league registrations, etc.
  • Assisting in the direction of functions such as statistics, fundraising and social events


The Treasurer is responsible and accountable for all league finances.


  • Establishing/maintaining bank account under the name Golden Horseshoe Bowling League (GHBL)
  • Ensuring that the signatures of TWO officers appear on every cheque written on the GHBL account
  • Maintaining financial records in such a manner that financial reports/audits may be easily furnished to the Executive
  • Appointing an Executive representative as co-signer who serves as acting Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence
  • Collecting weekly bowling dues from team captains and paying bowling fees to the Lanes Management
  • Depositing all league funds within one week of receipt
  • Providing the League President with the monthly bank statement for review
  • Preparing and providing an annual financial report to all league members approximately 4 weeks after the year end awards banquet
  • Relinquishing all financial records to the newly elected Treasurer by the first day of June


The Statistician is responsible for maintaining all league statistics in accordance with CTF rules.


  • Assisting in calculating bowler handicaps with the lanes
  • Maintaining statistics as necessary for verification for tournaments
  • Supplying required average information to GHBL bowlers attending tournaments when requested
  • Maintaining weekly statistics for league members and team standings
  • Providing statistics weekly to league members
  • Notifying the Executive of any members earning IGBO, CTF or league awards
  • Compiling final statistics for the year-end banquet
  • Assisting in the direction of functions such as statistics, fundraising and social events

Webmaster / Social Media Director

The Webmaster / Social Media Director is responsible for maintaining all GHBL Social Media functions.


  • Maintaining the GHBL Website and ensuring site details are updated in a timely manner
  • Maintaining the GHBL Executive gmail account
  • Providing the league weekly (and ad-hoc as required) update newsletters via email during the bowling seasons
  • Maintaining and updating the fall and winter seasonal on-line registration system
  • Provides fall and winter seasonal registration lists to the league Secretary and President
  • Assists in the direction of functions such as statistics, fundraising and social events

Social Coordinator Director

The Social Coordinator is responsible for taking the lead in coordinating all social activities for the league and assisting the President in coordinating Executive functions.


  • Creating / maintaining/ advertising a calendar of social activities for each season
  • Soliciting social activity / function ideas from all league members
  • Appointing any committees necessary to assist in all social events
  • Overseeing all banquet attendance processes
  • Arranging special events as directed by the Executive
  • Arranging for the annual awards banquet with help from the Executive
  • Assists in the direction of functions such as statistics and fundraising

IGBO Representative

The International Gay Bowling Organization (IGBO) Representative is required to channel all information regarding IGBO activities to the Executive and to provide information as required to IGBO regarding league activities. A league representative may be designated by the President as an alternate IGBO Representative to perform these duties in the absence of the IGBO Representative.


  • Attending IGBO meetings or making arrangements for league input to IGBO activities whenever possible
  • Disseminating IGBO information to the league members
  • Coordinating payment of annual IGBO dues with the GHBL Treasurer
  • Forwarding final GHBL statistics to IGBO at the end of each bowling season

Team Captains

Each team must designate a Captain who is willing to accept the responsibility for the actions of the team and perform the following duties:

Bowling fees are to be collected by the Captain each night of play and recorded on the team envelope. It is the Captain’s responsibility to see that ALL fees are paid each night of play. In the case of an absent bowler the Captain is to insure that his/her fees are current by the next week of bowling. Each bowler must have paid for the evening’s bowling to be able to bowl in competition that night unless other arrangements have been agreed to.

Weekly bowling fees are to be collected and given to the Treasurer (or designated officer) by the end of the FIRST game.

Team Captains are to ensure the league Secretary has current information for all team members.

Team Captains ensure all team registration sheets are updated and current.

Captains ensure all Pacers on their lane have paid their bowling fees in a Pacer’s envelope marked with that Pacer’s full name.

Ensure the statistics sheet is properly completed at the end of each game and that it is turned into the Statistician at the end of nightly play.

Notify the team in the event that an officer of the league has canceled a night’s bowling. If there is a question as to the possibility of a cancellation, the Captain is responsible to contact the Lanes and obtain verification.

Ensure all team members are conducting themselves in an acceptable manner in accordance with. established rules of bowling etiquette. The Captain is responsible to request ejection by the Executive any team member who is not abiding by these guidelines.

League Rules, Policies, And Procedures

  • All bowlers are expected to be present at the lanes and ready to bowl by 6:50 each night of play.
  • If a bowler arrives late, he/she may bowl in the game underway providing play has not exceeded the 3rd frame. If play is beyond the 3rd frame, the bowler may only participate in any succeeding games. The missing bowler’s absentee score (10 bins below their avg) will be calculated once they are marked Absent on the screen.
  • The GHBL is applying for membership in IGBO (International Gay Bowling Organization). Each GHBL Bowler will pay a fee to belong to this association. It is the responsibility of the league Treasurer to ensure that all bowlers are sanctioned in accordance with IGBO rules. Membership to IGBO waves the fee non-members would be required to pay at an IGBO Sanctioned Tournament. Many IGBO tournaments are available year-round and within driving distance of the Golden Horseshoe area.
  • There will be an annual general league information meeting held at the beginning of each bowling season to be attended by all League Officers, Team Captains and Members (at 8 :15 pm approximately between the 2nd and 3rd games for about 20 minutes). This is to allow each team to receive information as to league rules, procedures, and operation. A shorter updating meeting will commence every Bowling Night at the same time to keep people informed and to perform the league draws.
  • Three regulation games will be bowled per bowler for each night of league competition. There will be eight (8) points awarded per nightly play, composed of two (2) points per game and two (2) points for total pins. In the event of a tie, each team will receive one (1) point.
  • Every League Bowler must establish an average before their scores count towards team standings. That average will be established after bowling 3 games the first night (as first night will not count toward team results) or if a Bowler joins after the season has begun their first 3 games as a Pacer.
  • For fairness based on commitment, League members will be charged less than Pacers. This amount to be based on yearly lineage requirement from Splitsville. Pacer’s scores will not count towards team results, but an average will be calculated for those bowlers in case the Pacer decides to join a team at a later date. Pacers will be asked to bowl on pairs of lanes with less than 8 people. For time constraints, no more than 8 people will be allowed per pair of lanes.
  • The team with the most points at the end of each Fall and Winter Seasons will be the league champion for the respective season. In the event of a tie at the end of the year, total pins will be used as a tie breaker. The last night of the Fall and the Winter Seasons will consist of a “Position Night” to give all teams a last chance to face the team adjacent to them in the standings. The goal of this is to keep it interesting to the very last night.
  • Handicaps will be computed on the basis of 90% of the difference between 200 points and the bowler’s average at the beginning of each night of league play (ie 100 Average will get 90 pins handicap per game). A bowler with an average of 200 or above will be assigned a scratch handicap of ZERO (0).
  • All absent bowlers will receive the “Absentee ” score of “average minus 10 pins, plus handicap”. For teams with less than 4 people, a “Vacant Bowler” scores will be added to the team total. A score of 120 will be given to the Vacant Bowler for each game. The associated 72 Handicap will be calculated for that Vacant Bowler.
  • To be eligible to win an individual prize, cash or award at the end of the season’s play, a bowler must be an official team member (not a Pacer), and have bowled a minimum of 21 games of play in the Fall or Winter Seasons.
  • A single position on any one team cannot be “split” between more than one individual. Teams will be limited to four regular members. Anyone not listed as a regular member on the team’s roster is considered a Pacer for that night.
  • As the GHBL is charged for every league bowler each night whether they attend or not, if a team bowler is absent, this bowler must pay for that absent night the next week they are back. “Absent Bowler” scores are calculated by the lane computer as soon as the bowler is marked absent. To avoid this from happening, League Bowlers are asked to Bowl Off or Roll Off. A “Bowl-Off ‘ is bowling another night prior to the league night being missed and banking the scores. Simply call Splitsville to see if 2 adjacent lanes are open and if you can come to Bowl-Off. Payment must be made to Splitsville that they will put on file for us to pick up for use on the week missed, along with the recorded scores for the 3 games. A “Roll-Off’ is paying twice in a league night to have those scores count for the next week being missed. The decision to “Roll-Off’ must be made before the 1st game is bowled. Bowl­ Offs can be banked for unexpected absences, while Roll-Offs may only be used the fallowing week.
  • A bowler is eligible to win only ONE individual award per Season.
    The composition of the league as to the number of teams, number of team members, and the scheduling of league play, including the number of position nights per season, are at the discretion of the Executive at the beginning of each season. Teams may join after the season has started as long as Splitsville can allocate us space.
    Pacers are NOT eligible for end-of-season prizes. Should a Pacer become a permanent member on any team, any scores bowled prior to this will not qualify for individual high game or series end of season prizes.
  • Election of the Executive Board must be complete prior to the end of the bowling season to provide for a smooth transition between seasons. May 31 marks the close of the fiscal year. The new Board commences on the first day of the new fiscal year, June 1. The league banquet must be done before the end of the fiscal year.
  • Nominations for league officers shall be open for at least two (2) weeks and the Election Results tabulated at least two (2) weeks prior to the end of the bowling season. Each nominee must be a league bowler willing to commit and serve. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the league President and will be responsible to secure eligible nominees and submit a slate of candidates to the President for the purpose of general election. The President shall oversee the operation of the Nominating Committee.
  • Ballots shall be submitted to the general membership for a vote at least two (2) weeks prior to season’s end. Team Captains are to ensure that all eligible members vote. The Nominating Committee will compile, tabulate, and submit the results to the current President for review by the Executive. A minimum two-thirds (2/3) vote by the membership is required for a legal vote.
  • The Nominating Committee is responsible for all balloting, which will be held by secret vote.  No nominee may serve on the committee. In the event of a tie, a re-vote for that position should be held. The current President shall vote to break the tie. If the vote involves the current President, the current Vice President shall vote to break the tie. If both are involved, the current Secretary shall vote to break the tie.
  • In the event of a resignation from the Executive, the current President shall appoint a replacement with approval of the Executive. The appointee shall fill the office for the remainder of the current season. If the vacated position is that of the President, the current Vice President assumes the office and subsequently appoints a replacement for Vice President.
  • An officer can be removed for just cause by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of the Executive, providing discussion and debate is held on such actions. The open position will be treated as a resignation (see above).
    The GHBL Sportsmanship Award will be determined by a vote from the Executive.  The winner of the award will be announced at the end-of-season banquet by one of the league’s officers.
  • The Executive positions of Treasurer will receive an annual stipend for their services (ie 50 % off League Bowling Fees for the year). The amounts will be approved annually by (2/3)-majority vote of the Executive.